About us

The company Stonetop OÜ started its manufacturing business in 2016.
We take orders to produce kitchen countertops, bathroom surfaces, window sills and slabs for fireplaces.

Stonetop OÜ offers granite, marble, engineered stone and ceramic surfaces.
Our selection of granite and marble includes the most popular colour options in the world.
Our engineered stone options comprise Technistone, Silestone and Caesarstone.
And our ceramic options come from Dekton.

Stonetop OÜ uses two CNC machines in the manufacturing process.
We use the Denver Technika 5 Axis bridge saw for cutting details in the desired measurements.

The Denver Quota 3350 3 Axis workbench is used for treating openings.
Stonetop OÜ sells its product in Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Our list of services also includes the measurement, transport and installation of kitchen countertops.

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